I was going to title this post 'Helsa Ahmadi and the Prisoner of Azkaban' to celebrate the fact that this is the third scholarship I've received while attending Emily Carr University but instead I dialed it back to just a simple Freddy Krueger reference. Personally, I'm ashamed of myself. Do as I say, not as I do kids. Don't ever compromise. It only leads to a life of self-loathing. lol
Apparently I'm on a roll. For my final year at Emily Carr I have yet again been awarded a meritorious scholarship. I can't say enough good things about ECU. As a student it's incredibly hard to stay engaged and committed to education without at least occaisionally slipping into lassitude. Feeling supported and encouraged by the university helps stave off the entropy naturally inherent attending school for four long years. A sincere thank to Emily Carr University and the scholarship fund donors.